Wednesday, September 4, 2013

ted talk one

1. Daniel Pink talks about the "Candle Problem" in his talk.  What was the point of the candle problem?
The point to the candle problem is getting to a higher/ better solution.
2. What did the other experiment using the "Candle Problem" use the problem to test? 
It was used to test weather intensives help people perform better.  
3. (Fill in the blank) If you want people to perform better, you _________ them.   
reward them.
4. Fill in the blank: There is a mismatch between what ________ knows and what _______ does.
what science knows and what business does.
5. What is an extrinsic motivator?  (Google it)
to do something to get something
6. What is an intrinsic motivator?
driven to do something by enjoyment.
7. What do rewards do to our focus?
they make us more worried about getting them.
8.Bonuses work when we are doing what kind of skills?   
focusing on the objective
9. What are the 3 elements (building blocks) of motivation?
the ability to overcome faliure
love to learn
creative freedom
10. What is autonomy?
self governed country or region 
11. What does Atlassian do that is unique and what are the days called?
12. What is a ROWE?
where an employee gets paid of their work
13. He gives us an example of two different encyclopedias that follow two different concepts of motivation.  What are the encyclopedias?   
14. Is there a place for rewards (incentives) as a motivator?

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